Savant Learning Partners

Savant Learning Partners is a consultancy bureau in the B2B educational branch. Our office is located in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Savant works closely with organizations to identify and implement effective learning strategies that meet the expectations and needs of your people. Our way of working is governed by our core values: enthusiasm, accountability, pragmatism and professionalism.

Savant supports learning within organizations …

… with learning solutions that deliver powerful results

Learning is most effective when the learning environment is integrated into the working environment. This is the optimum learning experience. Savant creates learning solutions and bespoke programmes that help your organization achieve its goals.

… with learning solutions that give people responsibility for their learning process

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

The same goes for learning: people learn because they want to, motivation is the key driver for learning. Savant designs the learning experience to support participants’ learning motivation and styles.

… not for you, but with you

The key to success is to work together towards meeting your organization’s needs. The most successful learning and development solutions come from listening to and learning from our clients. This is why we don’t just work for you, but with you!

More information?

Would you like more information on a certain subject? Or do you have a question or idea? We would love to hear from you. Check out our contact page on how to call, email or visit us.